Welcoming Remarks
First and foremost, it is my honour to announce that the Malaysian Journal of Innovation in Engineering and Applied Social Sciences (MyJIEAS) will be starting the first publication on November 2021. MyJIEAS provide a platform for the discussion and knowledge-sharing on innovation in engineering and the applications of social science theories related to the livelihood and welfare of humans particularly in engineering, environmental, mathematics, computer sciences and social sciences issues.
MyJIEAS strives to attract and engage an international readership and authorship primarily from academics sector. MyJIEAS welcomes high quality articles, either written individually or co-operatively, which will make a substantial contribution to the development and success of the journal. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any uncertainties or enquiries.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals involved in this publication particularly the editorial and technical boards for their tireless efforts in ensuring the continued success of MyJIEAS. Moreover, my gratitude is extended to all contributors.
Best wishes,
Dr. Marlina binti Ramli
Chief Editor, MyJIEAS